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Reconceptualizing Narrative: Structures, Systems, Boundaries || September 5-6, 2014

Call For Papers

DEADLINE EXTENDED: submissions now due June 15, 2014.

Reconceptualizing Narrative: Structures, Systems, Boundaries

Rice University English Graduate Symposium

September 5-6, 2014

As we witness the rapidity with which various systems-theoretical approaches have begun to gain critical and literary currency, we would like to consider the relations among narrative, structure, and system.

The 2014 Rice University English Graduate Symposium welcomes individual and panel proposals that address any of the following topics as they relate to any and all forms of narrative across all time periods and disciplines:

American literature

American studies


art history


British literature

comparative literature

critical animal studies

critical race

cultural studies

ecocriticism and environmental studies

film studies

gender and sexuality



history of the book

literary and cultural theory


narrative theory



political economy/capitalism

postcolonial studies



religious studies

science studies

speculative realisms

systems theory

transnational studies

This year’s featured keynote speakers are Bruce Clarke of Texas Tech University and Donald Pease of Dartmouth University.

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Individual paper proposals and panel proposals accompanied by an additional brief panel rationale will be accepted. The time allotted for each presentation is 20 minutes. Please email abstracts to rice.symposium@gmail.com as a Word document or PDF.

The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2014. The conference committee will notify applicants by July 1, 2014. Authors accepted to the conference will receive further information regarding payment and travel arrangements. A $50 registration fee includes conference pack, meals, and libations.

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